FORCE Central Venue League - STARTING MAY 2021
What is the CVL
The Central Venue League (CVL) is a community league for under-12s, under-14s, under-16s and Adults played in the same venue, in a tournament style environment. The CVL is composed of 4 events of 2 hours where each team will play at least 4 games of 15 minutes.
The CVL is designed to encourage more basketball participation. It is adapted to include players that are not part of other, more competitive leagues. We aim to achieve this through a flexible approach to taking part. For example, you don't need to be affiliated to BE to enter and play your first CVL. We will however encourage quality of delivery so every game will be officiated and every team will need to be led by a qualified coach. You can also register as an individual player and enter an already made up team.
Under 12s , Under 14s, Under 16s and Adults* Players must be under the age up to September 31st 2021.
*Players aged 16-17 are allowed to take part in the adults competition provided they complete and return the U18s waiver before play.
Players affiliated to National League Conference are not allowed.
Participants are not required to be registered with BE or BBSX for their first CVL, They will however be required to affiliate to BE on their second CVL (Each CVL is composed of 4 events).
Participants can register as part of a team or as an individual: If you register as an individual, we will do our best to assign you to a team led by a L2 coach. You will need to register your details online. Payment will need to be arranged with your assigned coach. Just contact us on info@communitybasketball.org expressing your interest and we will do our best to assign you to a team.
A qualified L2 coach can contact us directly info@communitybasketball.org or 07931237169 to register a team, ask any questions and make payments. All players are required to complete the player registration form, read our code of conduct and follow our COVID 19 policy.
Maximum of 6 teams per category and 5-8 players per team. You will need to register again for any future CVLs.
Each CVL consists of 4 events. You can bring different players at each event but need to ensure all players are registered online. Once a player is registered in one team, he/she is not allowed to play for another team on that same CVL. In order to give a chance to less experienced players, National League Conference players are not allowed in the CVL.
Provided we have 6 teams registered at each CVL, we will play a 3-way tournament at each event (Remember one CVL is composed of 4 events). Teams will be rotated at each event so you will play against all the teams in that CVL multiple times. A win will be worth 3 points, a draw 1 point and a loss 0 points. The team with most points will be awarded CVL winner. We aim to organise and deliver the next CVL on a regular basis.
The CVL is due to start after May 17th 2021 which is set as the date to move to Level 1 Response level for Basketball England’s Return to Play. This means social distancing can be removed, although a maximum of 30 individuals per court will be allowed as well as a limited number of spectators. Temperature checks and other guidelines will be confirmed at a closer date.
All players are required to register online prior to attending the event and agree to the code of conduct below.
Ideally, coaches should be L2 qualified. L1 coaches or Parents can be allowed provided they sign and return a “team responsibility waiver” prior to the event. As such, they will agree to be responsible for the behavior of their players including making sure all players follow the code of conduct and any COVID 19 safety rules. There will be safeguarding officials and 1st aid qualified individuals present at all events. Coaches/Leaders are also responsible for the team throughout the tournament.
Adapted FIBA 5v5 rules will apply.
In order to save time we will play in one direction only. I.e. no half time. Coin toss will offer the team to chose direction.
Teams will be allowed 1 x 30sec time out.
Players will foul out at 4 fouls. Team fouls after the 6th foul.
Only 1 x free-throw allowed for either 1 or 2 points.
No stopping the clock at any time except when requested by the referee.
There will be 1 x Referee per game. Referees may not be officially level 2 qualified referees but they will at least be level 2 qualified coaches with experience.
Substitutions will be done following official FIBA rules. i.e. the coach/leader will ask the table for subs which will alert the referee.
£242 per team per CVL (equivalent to £60.5 per event). Registrations are done for one whole CVL which is composed of 4 events of 2 hours each. We cannot take registrations for one event only. Make sure you can make the dates as stated on the calendar of events below and have your coach contact us in advance on info@communitybasketball.org to go through any specific details. If you want to register as an individual, please email us info@communitybasketball.org. We cannot guarantee individual registrations but will do our best to assign you to a team.
You can register maximum 8 players per team and minimum of 5. Please make sure you can bring a minimum of 5 players per event.
Online registration is compulsory for all participants including coaches. Coaches are required to ensure payment is done in time to guarantee your team place at the event.
Please make sure to complete the registration form on this website and proceed to payment. Make sure you add the name of your team and age group on your payment.
Amount: £242
Account Name: Seahaven Force Community Club
Account Number: 13690520
Sort Code: 20 88 13
In order to offer the best quality of basketball experience, participants are required to abide by our internal set of rules or code of conduct as outlined below:
The CVL is designed to offer a community oriented basketball experience in a fun and welcoming environment. We will not follow full official basketball rules and regulation standards but will adjust to time, space and relative lack of officials. We expect coaches and players to contribute to this environment and hope you enjoy thoroughly.
Please not the club reserves the right to temporarily or permanently ban a participant who does not respect these rules.
Below are the basic rules for participating as a player in all age groups:
1. Arrive on time (Or communicate in advance if this is not possible).
2. If you have registered and paid but cannot attend the CVL session, please let us know by email at least 48 hours before the session (Except for a valid medical reason).
3. Respect the calls of officials even if they appear to be wrong.
4. Communicate politely at all times.
5. Always act in a respectful manner within the CVL.
· No swearing.
· No disrespectfully laughing at other players.
· Actively encouraging players that may be behind in certain aspects of the game.
7. Read through, understand and abide by the COVID 19 rules set up for this CVL.
We believe that playing basketball is a healthy activity, especially at these times. However, we need to ensure we stay as safe as possible by abiding to COVID 19 safety conditions and regulations.
You need to ensure you arrive at the building at least 15 minutes before the start of the session to allow enough time to go through the COVID 19 procedures for the event. Please make sure you arrive ready to play and with your own drink bottle as there will be no changing rooms available for the time being.
Please pay attention to the safety guidance of the sports hall as you get in. Enter the hall through reception and exit via the fire exit doors of the hall at the back of the building.
Please bring your own ball, drink and equipment and dont share with other players on the court. We will be playing with desinfected balls.
You will be asked to complete answer BE's screening questions and will have your temperature taken before entering the hall. Please be ready for this to help us do this as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
No parents or spectators are allowed in the sports hall or the building at any time so please make sure you provide us with your email, phone number and follow us on social media to see pictures and videos of the event.
As a quick reference, Force basketball is a Basketball England affiliated club and will follow the Return to play guidance.
Currently all CVL event will run at the Dorothy Stringer School. Loder Rd, Brighton BN1 6PZ